Summer jobs, are they important to have?

Summer jobs are important to have as they help build your CV, develop skills further and make you so much more employable once you complete your studies. Summer is the perfect time for graduates to get a temporary job as they are off for such a long period. Benefits of summer jobs are earning money ahead of the new academic year and gaining amazing work experience.


Where to start?

Start by looking at your CV. Get this up to date along with your LinkedIn profile. Make sure you’re letting the employers know you’re looking for summer work while you’re on your break to build experience.  Decide if you want full time or part time and do a job search. Sites like reed are good to start with or even indeed

Things to look for:

Paid Summer Internship

These are often difficult to get but if you are successful in applying for one it can provide you with invaluable work experience. Focus on companies you would love to work for after university. look on their websites and ask you careers team with the university. Applications do close fairly early for these positions so ensure you’re getting in early enough. If you cant find any online or through the careers team contact company’s direct and ask the question.

Retail work.

If your able to find a job within the retail sector you will not only earn money and build first hand experience you could also get the option to keep the role with different hour when you return to studying. Look for stores that interest you, food shops or clothing brands could be a good choice due to staff discounts that could help you with the cost of living.

Work abroad.

If your keen to travel but feel you want to earn as you go take a look for a role abroad. Things like becoming an au pair for a family or teaching a foreign language to becoming a holiday rep. All these types of roles will give you great skills to use within university and future workplaces.

Restaurant, café or bar work

 Hospitality jobs can be great during the summer. This is when these facilities are at their busiest. Small establishments within your area might pop an advert in their windows so keep an eye out locally or drop your cv in and ask the managers.

Festivals and events

If your keen to go to events and festivals this summer but your short on cash. This is a great way to still attend. These types of things need stewards to ensure the publics safety which is normally ran by an outsourced company. If you could find this type of work you would personally benefit by going to the event or festival for free and being paid to go.

Sometimes they will want volunteers so no payments but you get to go to the event/festival for free for litter picking, giving out the wrist bands and selling programmes. Voluntary work still looks great on a cv so make sure you capture this and all the skills you used.

Summer Temp work

Check out your local temp agency they will be able to place you in work. As long as your flexible you should be able to get some great experiences.

Work for your university

Ask your university for roles over the summer. Things like accommodation, admin and events. Holiday cover for existing staff members. Chat to your careers team or student services for more information. If your lucky you could also keep this job while studying.

Private Tutor

Tutoring can be well paid and looks great on a CV. It shows your knowledgeable on your subject and skilled at explaining complex information in an accessible way. Make sure you do your research on the best way to advertise and become a tutor.

Admin work within an office

Check out local offices for work, they may need an office junior for the summer or a receptionist. If its worth doing its worth asking. So many graduate roles are office based so this type of temp role can really help you get a step ahead.


If you can clean to a high standard and enjoy it take a look at local cleaning firms, ask at schools, colleges, universities, hotels & B&B’s are all good options to get some experience and some cash.


Participating in extra-curricular activities will give you skills to show future employers that you can put effort in to things your passionate about. The precise skills and achievements you can gain will vary according to the role you take on. Check out this blog for more information.

Building your cv through university can really help when you’re looking to start your career. It will give you so much more experience and work knowledge to discuss with future employers. For more information do check out our other blogs linked within this blog to get the most from our expertise.

Once you have sorted a summer job consider getting your driving licence before going back to university. We are finding so many more employers are requiring a driving licence as part of the job specification. Check out our other blog regarding driving. If you would like any help or support with finding a Graduate role, then please do contact us and check out our LinkedIn for up to date job posts.