The secret to assessment centres is remembering the 5 P’s – “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance” This really is essential to get the results you want.
Read MoreReturning to University after Christmas Break can be stressful. Not wanting to leave loved ones behind again, here’s some tips that might help.
Read MoreAs a graduate you want to be getting as much work experience as you can to be able to build […]
Read MoreLooking for work as a graduate can now be daunting. Let us break it down to simple helpful tips that get you an amazing job/scheme that you have worked so hard towards.
Read Moreou have secured a Graduate interview – well done. Now the hard work needs to continue as you prepare for it. First impressions count, not just to the interviewer but to every person in the building.
Read MoreA placement is a period of work experience which is an integrated and assessed part of a student’s degree. Completely different to an internship which is extra-curricular.
Read MoreWhen you have a lot on your plate it becomes easy to start procrastinating. It becomes real easy to sit back and think there is ample time to work and study and that’s when you loose track of time. Exams will get closer and closer each day that passes so make sure your prepared.
Read MoreA CV is an important part of finding a job. It should include all the necessary information about you without going on too much about your life story. It does not require a photo or lots of colours to stand out. It just needs to be factual and well written.
Read MoreGraduates you want to ensure your making the most out of your summer breaks. This involves developing yourself and not studying throughout the time off.
Read MoreIs you dissertation deadline approaching? are you feeling the stress? let us guide you the best we know how.
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