Graduation Ceremony – Time for an amazing celebration
You have been told that your graduation ceremony is happening and now you are wondering what to expect. Well, this will vary on your university. Each University will do it differently, they will have their own rules and regulations. The university’s website and your student portal should have the full details of your ceremony.
Here is an overview of what you could expect on the day.
Graduation ceremony – What do I need to arrange before the ceremony?
Leading up to the event your university will get in touch with you usually via email or your student portal. This will be the place you will find confirmation of all the timings along with the plans for throughout the day.
Guest tickets for the Graduation Ceremony
The number of guests you can bring will depend on the university’s policy and the size of venue they have for the ceremony. The university will want to know how many guests you wish to bring with you. In general, the universities try to make it fair so that every student can bring the same number of guests. It’s recommended that you apply for your tickets ASAP to avoid disappointment. There will be a cost for these tickets.
Gown hire
The university will encourage you to hire your gown and hat. They will advise where you can hire them from as there will be a specific gown for your university. In order to hire your gown, you will need to provide measurements of your head and what size gown you will need. Do not worry they tend to carry spares on the day just in case for mis-sizing. You can purchase your gown and hat to keep as memorabilia if you wish just speak to the gown shop.
Big day has arrived
After all the planning and preparation, the day has finally arrived, now it is time to get ready for all the fun. Here is what you can expect to be doing on the day of your ceremony.
I’m sure that after spending hours searching for the perfect graduation outfit you will be excited to finally get to wear it. Then you will head to your venue a few hours early as instructed and carefully (almost regally) slip on your graduation gown. This can make you feel like you can conquer the world! Additionally, placing the cap upon you head like a crown. Do not worry if the fit of the gown or hat is off slightly there will be members of the team on site to help – they always carry spares.
Once your dressed and ready you might head off to get the professional photos taken. After these you can then head to the graduation ceremony with your peers and guests.
Taking your seats
Ensure both you and your guests are sat down in good time ready for the start of your ceremony. Check your timetables! Check you know where your allocated seat is so you have enough time to find them. Being seated with all the other graduands (people who are about to received their academic degree.) Normally sat in alphabetical order (according to surname generally) within your fellow course members to help the running of things. You will find your guests will be sitting in another section of the venue.
Opening the Graduation Ceremony
It will be different depending on university, but the ceremony generally opens with a staff procession, lasting around 15-20 minutes. Senior lecturers and staff, some of whom you will know will walk on to the stage. While the academic staff find their seats you will be standing at this point. Everyone will then be welcomed by the vice-chancellor or president of the academic board.
Calling you onto stage
There is a specific order that will be called up on the stage. It will be shared with you before the ceremony to make sure you are ready. Generally, each graduands will be called up one-by-one. There will be staff nearby to usher people in the right direction.
The speaker will call you up by name and level of your award and not the classification you received. When your name is called make you way across the stage to shake hands with the chancellor. They will give you either a cylinder or a piece of paper as recognition of your degree (you should have already received your certificate). Some universities take photos at this point of each graduate shaking the chancellor’s hand. Head back to your seat once you have completed this so you can enjoy the remainder of the ceremony. Additionally, there may be further speeches once everyone has walked across.
On completion of all the student’s presentation the academic staff on the stage will leave the ceremony. This is when the students can then leave the ceremony.
Once it’s all completed
Upon leaving the ceremony you can head outside. Fellow students could be taking photos with family and friends and chatting about the ceremony. All university graduation ceremonies will be different. Some will serve food and drinks; others will have activities to help graduates celebrate their success. At the end of the ceremony, you will need to return the hat and gown if you have hired it, you might have been given a time deadline when you picked this up. The hire team will be on site collecting these throughout the day.
Remember to SMILE throughout the day and enjoy every minute. You have worked so hard to be there and you truly deserve it.
Well-done Graduate!
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