How To Have an Amazing Christmas at University
Sometimes students will find that they are spending Christmas at university. There are many reasons for this and they may not feel the same buzz of rushing home as they want to. For many this might be their first ever Christmas away from their family and friends so its time to plan and help them through it.

Keep a positive mind at Christmas.
It is important to think about what can be done to stay busy and have fun when spending Christmas at university. The best way to do this is by having a positive mindset.
We get it, as the days get shorter and the temperature drops students are leaving to go home for the Christmas break. The last thing you want to do is stay positive as Christmas approaches. Just remember wherever you live there will be loads of things to do.
This is the perfect time to relax, spend time alone doing things you have been putting off, making new friends, going for long walks, discovering parts of the city you have never seen before, and making time for things that you never have time for during term time.
Christmas Reminder– You are not alone
You might be feeling like your alone this Christmas but there will be others in the same situation. Why not find out who these students are and try to organise festive days out. The accommodation will be quieter and you could arrange group dinners. Suggest maybe everyone brings a dish, you could even club together to cook your own Christmas dinner. Alternatively make a group booking at a nearby eatery that is offering Christmas dinner.
Its comforting to know your not alone at Christmas so make it known that you are sticking around campus.
Go exploring
You chose this university for a reason, now it is time to explore it. Have a look for local Christmas fairs and markets so you can go visit. Check out local museums, restaurants, coffee shops the list is endless.
It is time to discover where you are living and see if it has any hidden secrets that you can share when your friends return.
Volunteering to help at shelters
So many people feel lovely at Christmas. Those without family and friends and the ever-growing homeless population over the period really does cause loneliness. There is opportunity here for you to make a difference to someone else’s Christmas experience.
Try your local shelters, they often need volunteers to help hand out clothes parcels, blankets and even serve food. The Samaritans are always looking for volunteers to help on the phones. It can be a real lonely and potentially life changing time of year for many. Why not try to help those who need it when you can.
Look for volunteering opportunities through your Students’ Union and you will find something worthwhile to help with this Christmas.
Take time for you
After working so hard all year you might be feeling the burn. Time to relax and take some time to rest. Ensure you set yourself some days where you have snacks, hot chocolate, and blankets to hand along with movies. You could even get together with others that are staying at university and do a movie afternoon/night so you can all relax laugh and giggle.
Do not forget to call home to speak to friends and family just because you are not there in person you can still be in spirt. You could do a zoom call and do a family games night just like many people did during covid times.
Again, just because you are at university does not mean you cannot have fun and decorate you room. Get some fairy lights and some decs from the shops and make it your own mini-Christmas. In many years to come you will find these decorations in a box and you can retell the story of how and why you brought this decoration and why you have kept its so long.
The best thing to do it fill the time with friends new and old and speak with family. You can make your own traditions and a ton of new friends. This is all about you and what makes you happy so go and conquer this next challenge. Do not forget to recharge your batteries so you can hit the ground running in January.
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